June Newsletter

Hub Activities

The Hub is open for the second half of the summer term – on Fridays between 10 -12 and we look forward to seeing you for coffee, catch up and advice.

English classes continue to be run at Salisbury Methodist Church on Thursdays and Fridays

  • Thursdays 10.30-12.00
  • Fridays 10.30-11.30
  • Thursdays 1030-1200
  • Fridays 10.30-11.30

Please note – the Hub will be closed during the summer holidays for both English lessons and coffee sessions. The last day will 21 July and we will reopen on the 8th September.

Date for your diaryUNHCR event 20 June, 2 – 5pm at the Salisbury Methodist Church

As part of UNHCR Refugee Week which celebrates the contributions, creativity and resilience of refugees, there are events all around the country. We warmly invite you to our event, which will be an International Tea Party, to include workshops, displays and refreshments;

Summer English Sessions

English lessons in the summer holidays for 11 – 17 year olds

This summer there is the opportunity for 10 free places to be taken at the English summer school for Ukrainian teens in the 11 – 17 age range. It is a wonderful opportunity and the likely dates are 24 July – 4 August. Please note the date and register your interest with Julian Lewis at juliancslewis@outlook.com

And a reminder:

For anyone who has a good level of English and would like to improve their reading skills there is an opportunity to receive free 1:1 support weekly with a trained coach. If you are interested in accessing this please contact Scott Haines at scott.haines@shannontrust.org.uk

Moving from Host to Homes

This is a reminder that while vouchers and stock lasts those moving into rented accommodation may contact either sonnya@salisburyukrianehub.org.uk or sarah@salisburyukrainehub.org.uk for vouchers. However, this support is available for those living in Wiltshire only. Please do not pass details to friends living outside Wiltshire.

Do you need any household items? Our storage facility will be closing at the end of July – it still holds lots of household stock – so if there is anything you need please contact either sonnya@salisburyukrianehub.org.uk or sarah@salisburyukrainehub.org.uk

In addition The Salvation Army is open Thursday through to Saturday from 10 – 12 and is able to give you free crockery, pots and pans.

Support for the Family

If you have children aged between 0- 5 years there are a host of activities in the summer in Wiltshire which you might be interested in;

Free courses for adults to help you through the Cost of Living crisis

Spurgeons has partnered with Family and Community Learning to bring empowering FREE courses to help through the cost of living crisis.

  • Saving Energy – Thursday 15th June, 10am
  • Balance Your Budget – Thursday 22nd June

All courses are held at Devizes Childrens centre, SN10 5AA. 10am – 12noon

To find out more and book, visit


email: familyandcommunitylearning@wiltshire.gov.uk

or call 01225 770478

Music & Drama workshops

We have applied for a grant to hold some drumming and drama workshops during the Summer. As soon as we know whether we can run these, we shall send you an email with dates and registration details. Fingers crossed!

In the meantime, the Salisbury Methodist Church is developing a regular teenage music group, that meets on a Sunday afternoon. Three of our community attended last month and we hope that more young musicians will sign up. Again, further details will come out shortly.

Dancing to Eastern Music

Dancing to Eastern Music for Women, has been very successful since we started earlier this year. We have 3 more dates in June: 15th, 22nd and 29th June. This takes place at the Quaker Meeting House, 51 Wilton Road. Come in comfortable clothing and flat shoes any time from 6.45pm. Reserve your place please via Sabine Dawson on 07720 292376 or with Jane on j60rbm@gmail.com

Church Services booked for Ukrainian Worship

The following dates have been booked for Ukrainian worship at the Salisbury Methodist Church. All services will take place between 11 – 1.30pm:

  • Saturday 15th July
  • Saturday 19th August
  • Saturday 16th September
  • Saturday 21st October
  • Saturday 18th November
  • Saturday 16th December

Concerts for Ukraine

There will be two concerts for the Christian Aid Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal held on Friday 23rd and Saturday 24th June, St John’s Church, Tisbury. Free entry and all are welcome;